All.Can kicks off 2018 with new outputs and workstreams

24 January 2018

The All.Can initiative has made a strong start to 2018, launching several new pieces of work.

All.Can at one year: a progress report celebrates the achievements and milestones of the initiative’s first year. This includes a presence at multiple international events, the establishment of four national initiatives, and a growing membership including leading organisations in cancer care and policy.

An animation has also been released, which explains the All.Can group’s mission to improve the efficiency of cancer care by focusing on what matters to patients. The animation was created by HPP, which acts as secretariat for All.Can.

New workstreams for 2018 have also been announced. All.Can is partnering with the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) to run the Improving Value in Cancer Care study. This 12-month project aims to encourage a provider community of 20 hospitals in Europe to measure value. Value is defined by the ratio between the outcomes that are important to patients and the cost of delivering those outcomes.

The study will focus on lung cancer and breast cancer. It will measure outcomes and costs across all participating sites using ICHOM’s standard outcomes sets. Site recruitment for the study is now open.

All.Can will also be launching a patient survey in 2018, which seeks patients’ views on where inefficiencies occur in cancer care, and how care could be improved. The UK pilot will begin soon, followed by a roll-out across nine other counties.

For more information about All.Can’s work and activities, subscribe to the All.Can newsletter.
