HPP supports the development of the ESAIC Glasgow Declaration

19 July 2023

In 2023, the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC) published the Glasgow Declaration on sustainability in this area of healthcare. The Declaration was written by HPP in collaboration with ESAIC, based on research conducted by the ESAIC Sustainability Committee.

The Glasgow Declaration, which was launched at the Euroanaesthesia 2023 Conference, sets out clear recommendations for improving environmental sustainability in anaesthesiology and intensive care. The focus is on three core areas for action:

  • medication use
  • energy use
  • circularity in processes and waste.

The Declaration calls for clinicians to endorse and present sustainability recommendations to policymakers and other relevant stakeholders, working to implement more sustainable healthcare both locally and nationally.

Supporting ESAIC in creating the Glasgow Declaration was an important step towards implementing more environmentally sustainable healthcare, which we hope will carry benefit for generations to come. This builds on our ongoing commitment towards supporting environmental sustainability in our projects and across the company.


Download the declaration

Our collaboration with HPP has been nothing short of remarkable. Their expertise, dedication, and professionalism have been instrumental in shaping the ESAIC Glasgow Declaration, an important strategic document for ESAIC, which outlines our vision for sustainability in our profession.

Arta Leci, Marketing and Communication Manager, European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
