Lung cancer in Europe: accelerating opportunities to improve survival

HPP co-hosted a webinar exploring ways to improve lung cancer survival in Europe


To mark Lung Cancer Awareness Month, The Health Policy Partnership (HPP) collaborated with Johnson & Johnson to host the webinar ‘Lung cancer in Europe: accelerating opportunities to improve survival’.

The webinar brought together patient advocates, clinicians and screening leads from across Europe to discuss the current landscape of lung cancer treatment and how we can transform EU-level recommendations for lung cancer screening into firm actions.

What we’ve achieved

The event offered two panel discussions: the first one explored the changing landscape of lung cancer and how to deliver best practice across the care pathway, whereas the second one outlined the anticipated developments in lung cancer and opportunities to ensure it is embedded as a policy priority.

The panel discussions were followed by Q&A sessions, with topics including the transformative opportunity of screening in increasing treatment options, how precision medicine can be integrated into lung cancer care, and inviting the panellists’ views on the need for cross-sectoral collaboration.

It is our hope that this webinar provides policymakers in Europe with a clear understanding of the opportunities to detect lung cancer earlier and how policy commitments could lead to greater impact in this area.

Key partners and stakeholders

The webinar was moderated by Jody Tate, Director of Research at HPP. Jody was joined by:

  • David Baldwin, University of Nottingham
  • Gianluca Casali, Johnson & Johnson MedTech
  • Penilla Gunther, European Cancer Organisation, EU Cancer Mission Board
  • Miroslav Samaržija, University of Zagreb
  • Nils Wilking, Karolinska Institutet

Project funding

This event was funded by Johnson & Johnson NCB an affiliate of Johnson & Johnson. The Health Policy Partnership was engaged by Johnson & Johnson to organise and develop the event on its behalf. The webinar and associated outputs are intended to be non-promotional and evidence based, and are created by The Health Policy Partnership on behalf of Johnson & Johnson NCB. The views expressed during the event are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of Johnson & Johnson.
