On 21 September 2021, HPP launched its new policy brief Fostering system readiness in cancer care at a webinar coinciding with the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Congress. The policy brief was developed with input from an expert International Advisory Group and analyses the effectiveness of various assessment frameworks within cancer care. It also suggests how readiness in cancer care can be defined, evaluated and operationalised.
The online event was moderated by HPP Managing Director Dr Suzanne Wait, who gave a short introduction to HPP’s work in the area of cancer care readiness and radioligand therapy. Dr Wait then introduced the first speaker, George Wharton (London School of Economics and Political Science), who presented a case study on the work the Partnership for Health System Sustainability and Resilience (PHSSR) are doing to assess health system sustainability and resilience using the PHSSR assessment framework. More information about this project can be found here.
This was followed by a second case study from Professor Ken Herrmann (University Hospital Essen), who used the Radioligand Therapy Readiness Assessment Framework as an example of applying a framework to assess system readiness for integrating a cancer intervention.
Up next was a panel discussion and Q&A session with a group of multidisciplinary experts, featuring Alex Filicevas (World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition and All.Can International), Pascal Garel (European Hospital and Healthcare Federation), Antonella Cardone (European Cancer Patient Coalition), and George Wharton. The panel considered ways of working together to create sustainable and resilient cancer care systems across Europe. Key topics included the use of data in cancer care, the importance of personalised care, and the need to measure the efficiency of different therapies and diagnostics.
Dr Anne-Marie Baird (Lung Cancer Europe) was the final speaker of the event and delivered a pertinent talk on how cancer care readiness affects patients.
HPP would like to thank all of the speakers and panellists for taking part in this event and, most importantly, for their essential work in cancer care. We’d also like to thank Dr Wait for her moderating, the HPP team for facilitating the event, and everyone who attended for joining us and making it such an engaging session.