IFPMA and HPP publish infographic on the importance of flu vaccination during COVID-19

14 October 2021

Why is flu vaccination so important during COVID-19? Flu can be particularly dangerous for vulnerable groups, including people with underlying health conditions, pregnant women and older people. For them, the consequences of catching both flu and COVID-19 can be particularly severe. Challenges posed by the pandemic may impact the roll-out of this year’s flu vaccination programmes.

HPP has worked with the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) to develop an infographic and report identifying key areas to address when planning flu vaccinations for vulnerable groups during COVID-19. The materials were created in consultation with the Influenza Vaccine Supply Task Force and aim to convey the urgency of flu vaccination to policymakers, decision makers and health service planers at an international level.

The infographic and report have been published on the IFPMA website and are free to download and distribute.

Find out more about this work on our project page.
