Life-course vaccination article published in peer-reviewed journal

23 September 2019

A peer-reviewed commentary co-authored by members of the HPP team has been published in Vaccine.

The article, titled ‘The life-course approach to vaccination: Harnessing the benefits of vaccination throughout life’, was developed as part of a broader project on life-course vaccination.

It argues that the benefits of vaccination beyond childhood must be more widely understood, and that policymakers, healthcare professionals and patient organisations should take action to ensure that the benefits of vaccination are fully realised. It also outlines five areas where change is needed to ensure vaccination across the life-course can be embedded in national immunisation programmes.

Previous outputs from the project include a policy report, an animation, a pair of infographics available in six languages, and an open letter to the European Commission Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG-SANTE). All of these materials can be found on the life-course vaccination project page.

Click here to read the article in Vaccine.
