Watch the HPP and Avalere Health webinar on US readiness for radioligand therapy

22 November 2021


On 3 November 2021, HPP and Avalere Health held an online event on readiness for radioligand therapy in the US and how to plan for its further integration. The webinar shared findings from the new US Radioligand Therapy Readiness Assessment Frameworksituation analysis report and policy action blueprint.

Event moderator Michelle Bruno (Avalere Health) introduced the first speaker, Dr Richard Wahl (Society of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging), who gave a thorough overview of radioligand therapy and its current use for neuroendocrine tumours and lymphoma in the US. Ms Bruno then presented key findings from the US assessment framework and its accompanying materials.

During the event’s first panel discussion, Josh Mailman (NorCal CarciNET Community) and Lisa Taverna (Lymphoma Research Foundation) shared their personal experiences, and stressed the importance of patient outreach and education around the risks and benefits of innovative cancer therapies. Ms Taverna said, ‘My goal as a lymphoma survivor is to make sure that as many therapies get into clinical trials as possible… to give people the best treatment options.’

The second panel discussion, looking at future readiness for radioligand therapy in the US and potential barriers to its integration, brought the webinar to a close. Panel members Fran Castellow (Patient Advocate Foundation), Dr Ronald Ennis (American Society for Radiation Oncology) and Dr Anshu Jain (Community Oncology Alliance) discussed key factors that need to be addressed when implementing a new therapy. Implementation and cost of care were highlighted as the most important barriers. Dr Ennis concluded the session with a fitting summary:


‘We need a multipronged approach to accelerate the uptake of radioligand therapy, with education efforts from professional societies and advocates. These efforts need to be at all levels – the societal level, the social media level, and the institutional level in every practice environment.’


We would like to thank the speakers for their contributions, Ms Bruno for moderating the event and attendees for engaging in this important discussion.
Download the slides from the event

To find out more about HPP’s ongoing work in radioligand therapy, see the project page.
