Laura Habashi - Health Policy Partnership News

Laura Habashi

What effect does air pollution have on brain health?

15 June 2023

cars in traffic with visible exhaust fumes

We know that air pollution has a detrimental effect on the health of our lungs, but what about our brains?

Air pollution is responsible for about 6.7 million deaths every year across the world and has been linked to numerous health conditions, including heart disease, lung disease and cancer. Now, emerging research is also pointing towards air pollution increasing our risk of mental health problems and even brain conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease.

The global figures on air pollution levels are startling, with 99% of the world’s population living in areas where air pollution exceeds the recommended levels set by the World Health Organization. This means that most of us are not breathing the clean air we may think we are. With this in mind, we should consider the effect that air pollution has on the brain and start to see it as a risk to our overall health.

The global figures on air pollution levels are startling, with 99% of the world’s population living in areas where air pollution exceeds recommended levels.


A world where our minds are polluted

Exposure to air pollution is not something we can control as individuals. For many of us, it is just an intrinsic aspect of where we live, work and socialise. But would you think more carefully about where you spend your time if you were fully aware of the effects of air pollution on your brain?

Air pollution is known to directly interact with our brain cells in the short term, altering the way they communicate with each other, particularly in the regions that control our emotions. This could partly explain why some people who are exposed to high levels of air pollution experience anxiety and depression.

However, research is now showing that air pollution also has long-term effects on the brain, with experts labelling it as one of the 12 modifiable risk factors for dementia. It is thought that air pollution causes inflammation in the brain, which leads to a cascade of events that include a build-up of the harmful protein linked to the diseases responsible for dementia. The main culprits behind this increased risk are traffic exhaust fumes, residential wood burning and high levels of nitrogen dioxide, which can be attributed to industrial emissions, gardening equipment, power plants, and construction and exhaust fumes.


Fighting back against air pollution

We don’t have to just sit back and resign ourselves to the fact that air pollution is part of our everyday lives; its impact on our bodies does not need to be a foregone conclusion.

There are measures we can adopt as individuals to try to reduce air pollution levels in our local areas, such as using public transport where possible, avoiding the use of wood and coal burning in the home, servicing any vehicles regularly and checking tyres frequently.

We can also take steps to avoid exposing ourselves to high levels of air pollution by minimising the time we spend in areas with high levels of traffic or other forms of pollutants and keeping the air at home clean with filter systems.

doctors looking at brain scan images to see if a person has signs of dementia

Air pollution has long-term effects on the brain, with experts labelling it as one of the 12 modifiable risk factors for dementia.

What can be done?

The upside of air pollution being a shared global problem is that there are plenty of inspiring examples from across the world of ways to tackle the issue. These include the following:

So, if you are reading this as a regional, national or international decision-maker, what steps will you take to reduce air pollution to benefit the lives of millions of people?


The opinions expressed in this blog are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of The Health Policy Partnership.